
Caroline Dutot

Caroline Dutot

I am the mum to wonderfully funny, autistic little boy, who has a huge passion for aeroplanes. Obtaining a diagnosis for any child, at any age, can be a lot.  Navigating that process and the start of schooling with a young child, brings its own unique challenges. We have had to learn fast and even at this early point in our journey, we can see clearly some of the bigger issues that impact both children with additional needs and their wider families.

Professionally I am an Advocate, having previously worked for over 13 years representing looked after children, as part of my wider practice.  I am also a non-executive director and joined the forum to try and use my professional skills, with my personal passion, to support families, carers and their children.  The forum is a place for hearing the voices of parents and carers, with a view to then engaging with Government to improve services. My professional life has been about advocating for others and I hope to be able to use those skills to further the forum’s mission.