
Standard Membership

It is free to become a member of Parent Forum Jersey and we actively seek new members so we can represent the needs of parents and carers with children and young people with special needs. We seek members who are also foster parents, adoptive parents and grandparents. You do not need to actively participate in the Parent Forum but if wish to, please let us know as we would love to hear from you. As a member we will ask your opinion and look to take that into account with our work.

It is easy to join – please just complete the online application and you will be a member!

Parent/Carer Membership Form

Personal Details

Please provide details about yourself and how we can contact you.

Tell us about your child (#1)

Please add just one child in this section. You may add a second child in the next section.

What is your child's forename?*

What is their sex?*

What is their date of birth*

What special needs do they have?You can select more than one.*

Autism/AspergersDown SyndromeCerebral PalsyVision impairmentDeaf or Hard of HearingMental Health IssuesDevelopment DelayPhysical/Mobility DisabilityModerate Learning DisabilitySevere Learning DisabilitySpeech, Language and Communication NeedsMulti SensoryA.D.H.DSpina BifidaOther - specify in last field at end of form

Which best describes your child or young person’s current situation regarding education, training or employment?*

If you child is attending school, please select type

What is your child's forename?

What is their sex?

What is their date of birth

What special needs do they have?You can select more than one.

Autisum/AspergersDown SyndromeCerebral PalsyVision impairmentDeaf or Hard of HearingMental Health IssuesDevelopment DelayPhysical/Mobility DisabilityModerate Learning DisabilitySevere Learning DisabilitySpeech, Language and Communication NeedsMulti SensoryA.D.H.DSpina BifidaOther - specify in last field at end of form

Which best describes your child or young person’s current situation regarding education, training or employment?

If you child is attending school, please select type

Please tell us about you and your family

Are you a parent/carer with a disability?*

What is your ethnicity?*

Would you be willing to offer active support to Parent Carer Forum Jersey?*

Is there anything else you want to ask or let us know?

Please tick the box below to prove you are not an automated spam robot


 The Forum will occasionally use email or postal address information to send information to you which it believes you may find relevant and useful. Where used, the Forum will always include an ability to unsubscribe from any ongoing communications. Please indicate below your consent to receiving updates and other information including marketing from the Forum.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email or writing to the Management Committee: info@parentcarerforum.je; Parent Carer Forum Jersey, c/o Parenting Support Service, The Bridge, Le Geyt Road, St Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7NT.